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Have you rung up a signage supplier wanting to purchase a sign for your area, and then been asked what substrate you wish to use? Were you confused...
Our scooter racks are very popular with schools, universities and workplaces. But we’re often asked, do our scooter racks also hold e-scooters?...
Did you know that in 2021, machinery operators and drivers suffered the highest number of fatalities (68), and the transport, postal & warehousing...
You might be aware that there are 3 different colors of spill kits, but have you ever wondered what they represent and what each spill kit is...
Warehouses and industrial sites will see frequent traffic from large vehicles such as trucks that are travelling in and out of loading docks at an...
Have you ever wondered what safety barrier would be most suitable for your warehouse or industrial complex?  Sometimes too much choice means...
Like anything, there are many variables to this situation, and therefore it is hard to give a direct yes or no answer. By nature, some types of...
Contrary to common belief, peel and stick tactile pads with a thick bituminous adhesive base are extremely effective! We’ve actually even had old...
In short, galvanisation is the process of applying a protective coating to steel or iron. This coating protects the metal from corrosion. Mild...
Have you ever purchased (or are you planning to purchase) furniture off us, and are wondering why we ship our products ‘flat packed’? Or you may...
Have you purchased any of our Astra Street Furniture pieces with merbau hardwood slats and wondering when you will need to re-coat them? We can...
Have you got to the end of the ‘Place an Order’ feature on any of our websites and wondered why there wasn’t any payment options to finalise your...
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