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What is the main benefit of galvanised steel?

In short, galvanisation is the process of applying a protective coating to steel or iron. This coating protects the metal from corrosion.

Mild steel on the other hand is a low-priced material, which although is suitable for most applications, undergoes rusting very easily because it does not have a protective coating.

Seeing as the process of galvanising adds another step to the preparation process and therefore increases the initial cost of the product, some companies prefer to make their products from mild steel in order to keep the cost down. However, as you’ve probably realised by reading the above information, steel products that aren’t galvanised will result in increased costs in the long term, due to high maintenance and repair costs down the track.  

So yes, we believe that spending the time to ensure you are purchasing steel products that are galvanised is definitely worth it! That is why we ensure all our steel bollards, height bars, pedestrian rails, U-bollards and other steel products are galvanised!  

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