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Retractable Queue Barriers

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The Black Belt Barrier Stanchions have a thick 2mm wall and is 1.2m high which helps in withstanding hits and dents that alternative 1.2mm thick posts would get.
The Retractable PVC Hazard Belt Barrier is a pedestrian control system for outdoor and industrial environments.
The Retractable Hazard Balt Barrier is ideal for indoor or industrial applications. The hi-vis black and yellow striped belts are 4m long and manufactured from a heavy duty webbing.
The 4m Retractable hazard belt barriers are a versatile and portable system for indoor commercial or industrial environments.

What is a retractable queue barrier?

A retractable queue barrier, sometimes known as a retractable belt stanchion, is a metal post with a retractable belt inside the top canister of the unit. The belts can clip on to each other creating a designated line or queue for public to use. They are commonly used in airports, shopping centres, banks and medical centres. A retractable queue barrier is a great way to organise waiting lines or queues at a public facility.

Area Safe has a high-quality range of retractable barriers. From stylish stainless-steel posts or coloured posts, to a range of belt colour options, customised printed belts, belt length options and fixed or free-standing units – Area Safe has your queues straightened!

What makes our Premium Belt Barriers the right choice?

10 Rubber Ring to avoid scratching floor surface 9 Heavy 10kg Weight Base 11 Heavy Duty 2mm wall thickness all thick Stainless Steel Post 12 Automatic Locking Clip - Heavy Duty 8 1m Extra High P o s t 7 4- w a y C on n ector Head 6 He a v y Duty W ebbing Be l t 5 304 Stainless Steel Post & Base 4 Head is compatible with A4 or A3 sign holders 3 Custom printed or coloured belt or top available 2 Belt available in extra long 4m option 1 He a v y Duty Spring- L oaded Braking Ca s sette

Heavy Duty Spring-loaded Braking Cassette
Light duty Springs, weak brake, breaks with constant use
Belt available in extra long 4m option
Only available in 1.8m or 2m
Custom printed or coloured belt or top available
Only available in black
Head is compatible with A4 or A3 sign holders
No sign holders available
304 Stainless Steel Post & Base
Chrome Polished or Powdercoat finish only
Heavy Duty Webbing Belt
Light plastic belt
4-way Connector Head
1 or 2 way head only
1m Extra High Post
700mm to 860mm High Post only
Heavy 10kg Weight
5kg-8kg light weight only
Rubber Ring to avoid scratching floor surface
Concrete or steel finish base - will scratch floor
Heavy Duty 2mm wall thickness Stainless Steel Post
Light duty 1.2-1.6mm steel, easily dented
Automatic Locking Clip - Heavy Duty
No locking clip or weak manual clip
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