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Sydney School Speed Hump Project

Project: James Cook Boys Technology High School

Supplied: 2018

Products Supplied and Installed:

· Heavy Duty Plastic Speed Hump

· Shared Zone Signs – custom size

· Speed Hump Warning signs

· Slow-Children Warning Signs

James Cook Boys Technology High School is a typical educational facility where pedestrians have to mix with vehicles in high-risk shared zone areas including the driveway and car park, especially during peak periods before and after school. Responsible staff at the school identified the need to help address the safety requirements by slowing vehicles down. This was successfully achieved by the installation of Heavy Duty Plastic Speed Humps and hi-visibility warning signs in critical locations along the entry-way.

What the client said:

“From all reports, the parents coming in and going out have slowed down. We have achieved our goal!”

Contact us today on 1300 889 821 to discuss your speed hump requirements.

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